Selasa, 05 April 2011

You Caffeine Speeds to not Affect Performance

The prevailing hypothesis of why caffeine increases alertness is formed only in 1970. The concept holds that caffeine interferes with the calming effects of adenosine, which is one of the chemicals the body produces to control neuronal activity. Adenosine triggers a series of slowing effects: depressed mood and alertness, decreased urination and slows gastric biological process and breathing. After being released by nerve endings in the brain, adenosine receptors must reach the surface of brain cells to work. Caffeine, the theory is, acts as a suitor of adenosine. Molecules counterfeiting molecules of caffeine to adenosine, blocking adenosine receptors in brain cells. That trick the body into thinking that adenosine is circulating, but no effects of his depression.

Caffeine speeds up, then why not stop. Its effects are diametrically adenosine than not: it makes you feel brighter and more alert, increases gastric secretion, it makes you urinate more and stimulates respiration.

Proponents of the talk of caffeine on their ability to step up surveillance and increasing the ability to perform different tasks. Its effects are more pronounced, however, compared with performance levels that are low because of fatigue, boredom or caffeine withdrawal. Also, its effects seem to vary depending on the type of personality. For example, caffeine appears to help maintain surveillance tasks extraverts better than introverts, which obviously can plow through these tasks without help.

Despite generations of writers who have thought that coffee helps you think more intelligible, caffeine appears to increase the speed just intellectual, not intellectual power. The subjects of the experiments do not think like reading and completing crossword puzzles faster - but not, unfortunately, more accurately.

Caffeine speeds up the reaction time and can improve both the hand-eye coordination and the ability of muscles to work. This pushes the overall strength has led to its use by cyclists and runners. However, caffeine has a diuretic result, oftenness increasing urination. Caffeinated beverages are therefore dehydration, the advantage for any of the athletes or flyers, dehydration is one of the worst problems of air travel and a leading cause of jet-lag.

Caffeine accelerates the organic process and makes you burn calories faster, but not much faster to help you lose weight. Inclusion in diet pills over the counter rather than prescription amphetamines (speed) seems to be mostly uneffective. Amphetamines, which decreases appetite, work differently that caffeine has on the brain.

This acceleration does not mean that large coffee can sober up - either black or with milk. The functions of the engine will be so affected by alcohol, which were shot down minutes before mugful of coffee, and even if you feel more awake, you're a dangerous driver, also caffeine does not counteract the effects of phenobarbital and other barbiturates . It does, however, help reverse the deterioration of cognitive activity encased by benzodiazepines, compounds that are the basis of Valium and many other tranquilizers. This change affects how you think as opposed to how fast you react if you are taking a muscle relaxant and tranquilizer that you think might be one of these components, ask your doctor, not he or she will probably advise you to defeat the effects of drug consumption of coffee.

Besides being a self-prescribed antidepressant drugs and alertness, caffeine has proven useful for people with asthma because it acts as a bronchodilator, which means that expands the airways in the lungs and makes breathing easier. It could even be something like an aphrodisiac, if the results of a study by the University of Michigan may be generally applied, the study found that older subjects were more likely to be sexually active if they were coffee drinkers that if they were not.

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